Sunday, March 20, 2011

University Lecturers

So i'm currently a third year doing a Bachelor degree (science), and have learnt my fair share about the uni lifestyle ( of my uni anyway ). I'm not sure about anyone else, but i always seem to get at least one of each of the stereotypic "professors"

First we have the "tries to be cool" type who tries very hard to be cool, but no one thinks is. always trying new things and bringing demonstrations in an effort to engage the audience, with no effect.

Second is the "genius" type, who you can tell have always been the nerd in school, they know anything and everything about their subject, and also really hate it when people talk in the middle of their lectures.

Third is the actual funny one that everyone loves. always sliding in jokes that the audience really does enjoy. these lectures are generally full as the students actually want to come to them.

Fourth is the foreign type, that you totally cannot understand so you don't even bother going to their lectures, and you find when you do, the lectures are almost empty anyway, everyone always complains about these.

Fifth is your normal everyday lecturer who has no noticeable traits, they just deliver their lectures to a satisfactory standard, not good but not bad either.
And finally is your newbie lecturer. one that has just recently finished their doctorate or something similar. they usually are pretty good. They generally do try a lot of different things to get some attention - they usually work, as they are a lot closer in age to the general audience, but then again, sometimes it doesn't work. They very commonly turn into the actual funny one, but have the potential to turn into any of the others.
*also if its a hot chick, everyone instantly loves them.

You also have a blend of these, some of them work, some don't. The genius that you cant understand is a horrible combination, however a funny genius can work quite well.

I'm sure i have left out some of the stereotypes. feel free to comment more and ill add them in.


  1. Hehe i had every stereotype teacher you listed while i was in college :)

  2. i can confirm that "funny genius" is absolutely the most awesome type of professor or teacher in any circumstance.

  3. Ugh, my first year of university we had a tutor who decided to teach us how to add up and take away... im sure i have the pictures somewhere still from the lecture if i do i will show them :P

  4. had an interesting combination of all of the above when i was in college :)

    current least favorite stereotype in my masters program: self-righteous professor who thinks he is enlightening you and is god's gift to teaching (while actually rehashing textbook information; things most of us already know).

  5. LOL my earth science professor is definitely the first one. I swear, the guy has no personality, and his jokes come off as forced and unfunny.

  6. hahaha Sounds like when I was at school.... xD

  7. What about the 'new teacher', young and smart, etc?

  8. @ nuker zero
    too true. i shall add

  9. I used to have a professor that was almost stereotypically evil. Like a mad genius. Then, all of a sudden, two weeks in, he became super nice. It was all an act that he developed over the years to weed out the people who took his Art History class because they thought it would be an easy A (not that it was really hard anyway). He was really awesome.

  10. Nice one!
    Got yourself a new follower! :)

  11. @sinner
    haha yup you do get some weird ones, weird as both good and bad :P

  12. This is SO true. Lmao. Awesome blog.

    lulz awesome post

  14. Following. You can't forget the creep lecturer that is bad at his job but gives the girls good grades if they come to his study hall after class.

  15. I had one comp science prof ALWAYS say, "Don't you think so?" after every sentence. It drove me nuts. Following.

  16. Great post. Personally I can't stand teachers that are constantly trying to be funny though. It just comes off as trying too hard.

  17. You forgot the one who sends you to sleep!
    +1 Follower.

  18. Nice write and i laughed about "finding x" :D

  19. The babe at the end of your post is hot man! ;)

  20. Find X is greatest heheh and also cute teacher :)))

  21. haha I can relate I've had all these types of teachers. followed.

  22. Oh, can really relate to this!

  23. Haha, that is a quite accurate depiction of the stereotypical college professors.

  24. Haha those bloody college "professors"!

  25. Well said my friend. Well said

  26. The best teacher is a hot teacher.

  27. Haha I think you have to fit into the stereotype to become a teacher! Classic.

    Following and supporting!

    Yorkie Love

  28. definitely relevant to my interests.

  29. everyone loves a funny genius.

  30. this was really cool. graduating today. i've seen every one of these. good post. look forward to more.

  31. we have teachers like this too! xD it's jokes

  32. Most of my professors end up being number five, it seems. But hey, it could be worse, right?

  33. I prefer the genius type. Your mileage may vary.

  34. Awesome post! These stereotypes are so true.
